Monday, July 9, 2007

The Way I Read/Write Blogs

It all really depends on the nature of the blog. Lately, I'm getting less and less intrigued by the blogs that say, "Today I'm in Italy", or "Check out the latest tune from the Hedge Monkeys!". Sure, it's the nature of the blog, but I'm either looking for news or heavy content. Most of the time it goes like this:

Like Joel on Software Business of Software feed... you just kind of rummage through it to see if something catches your eye. But with the folks who put a lot of content out that I know I'm going to read, I just hold on to them and allocate ample time for them.

Generally blog reading happens sporadically for me. Maybe I'm waiting on something else, or just want to break up the day. So, I'll float to certain feeds, maybe some news stuff, or even scan something I'll read later.

This is when I really get hooked by something. Sometimes I wind up outside of the feed reader and link to a few places, or even tag or save it to favorites for later. Now favorites is a different issue altogether.

Now, in writing it's quite a bit different. I'm always writing with a purpose, even if I don't think anyone is reading or not. So, I'll have a blog idea and just frame it up - then come back later and edit, edit, add, revise, etc. until I come up with some work product worthy of "me".

It's more like writing a book chapter or essay than it is the chitter-chatter that some blogs have. I think that at some point, blogs might have categories - those for chitter-chatter, and those for more in-depth content. But for now... just put down your ideas, elaborate, and change the world.

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